Olive Panes-Gindelberger

Olive Panes-Gindelberger

I’m Olive Panes-Gindelberger, the proud founder of Solimar Wellbeing. My journey into the world of holistic massage therapy and health & wellness coaching began when I started listening to my inner voice and embracing my spiritual gifts. Being a Filipina immigrant, I became increasingly aware of my body from a young age. Growing up in a society that celebrated Eurocentric beauty standards and held conservative beliefs, I struggled with negative self-talk, feelings of inadequacy, and low self-esteem.
This led to a lifelong battle with yo-yo dieting and weight gain, which only perpetuated my feelings of unworthiness. At my heaviest, I weighed 216 lbs. in a petite 5 ‘0 ft frame, and I felt the physical toll it took on me while providing mobile bodywork.
However, everything changed during the pandemic. I made the decision to invest in my own health and fortuitously crossed paths with Anu, who provided me with the invaluable support I never knew I needed. It was during my healing journey, when I was forced to pause my bodywork due to an injury, that I discovered the power of internal work and the layers that come with shedding physical, mental, and emotional weight. This experience led me to pivot towards becoming a health and wellness coach.
My mission as a coach is to help women cultivate self-love and acceptance by creating a safe space within their bodies. I understand that the journey towards self-compassion and healing doesn’t happen overnight, but I believe in guiding women towards progress, one step at a time. I’ve learned firsthand that you can’t discover what you don’t know until your body is ready to tell its own story.
Together, we can build a foundation of self-love and empowerment.

Let’s make positive changes in our lives, one small step at a time!