Tara Romanczyk

Tara Romanczyk

Hey there, I’m Tara Romanczyk (she/her), and I’ve got a story to share. I hold a BS in Biology and a PhD in Neuroscience, and I’m deep into the world of biotechnology, where I oversee critical parts of clinical studies. But there’s more to me than just my academic journey – I’ve been on a weight loss rollercoaster that’s shaped a big part of my life.
For the longest time, I was in this constant battle, losing and gaining about 20 pounds repeatedly. I tried everything – weight loss programs, trendy diets, and all sorts of exercise regimens. It seemed like I was on this endless loop.
You know what’s ironic? I was hitting the gym, sweating it out, but I couldn’t control what I put in my body. Those “healthy” choices? Turns out, they weren’t as great as I thought. And let’s not even talk about the scale – it just wasn’t cooperating. That’s when I realized something had to change.
In mid-2022, I made a game-changing decision – I teamed up with Anu, a health and wellness coach. Working with Anu was the best choice I could've made. I dove deep into understanding what worked for my body. I revamped my eating habits, embraced balance, and tapped into holistic tools. And guess what? Over the last year, I've kissed goodbye to nearly 80 pounds.
Now, I'm all about paying it forward. I want to help you achieve your goals, just like I did. My coaching style is all about building a personal connection. I'm here to gently nudge you forward and keep you motivated. We'll tackle your goals together, step by step. Think of it like a staircase – each small goal is a step, and they all add up to your big victory.
Now, I've faced my share of challenges too. Stress was a biggie, and I've got an underactive thyroid and Hashimoto's, which made things even tougher. But I've got tricks up my sleeve – movement and breath work are my stress busters. A walk can work wonders, even just a short one.
Let me be real with you. The journey of weight loss and management can be overwhelming. I get it – feeling unhappy in your own body is tough. But guess what? Change is possible. Taking that first step is huge and brave. I've been where you are – the thoughts, the questions, the doubts. I've had 'em all.
My own journey started when I was at my heaviest – 272 pounds. It was a low point, a moment of reckoning. I gradually started making changes, shedding a bit of weight here and there. By 2019, I hit a milestone I hadn't seen in two decades – I was in the 200s. Then came the pandemic, and those pounds crept back. But in 2022, something clicked, and I transformed my life.
Exercise wasn't my issue; it was nutrition. Working with my coach, I chipped away at almost 80 pounds over the past year. Yep, that's 112 pounds from my heaviest weight. I've figured out what works for my body, changed how I eat, and embraced holistic practices that fueled my success.
But here's the deal – weight loss isn't just about the numbers. It's about finding balance, both in your mind and body. It's about self-care, stress management, breath work, and whatever keeps you centered. My coaching happens online – we'll chat on Zoom or the phone. We'll cover all your questions, conquer challenges, and celebrate your wins – even the non-scale victories.
I'm living proof that change is within your grasp. I get where you're coming from, and I'm here to guide you every step of the way. Let's rewrite your story together.